Covid-19 Secure

Keeping you safe

Due to the global pandemic, I’ve taken measures to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19 for both you & I during in-person sessions. There are several changes to my usual way of working:

  • Please wear a mask in shared spaces - such as the entrance hallway and staircase (unless you’re exempt from wearing one). It’s your choice & risk assessment whether you wear one in session.

  • As you enter the building, there is an NHS Track & Trace QR code to your right. Please use this (unless doing so puts you at risk of harm due to your living situation).

  • You’ll find hand sanitiser next to the Track & Trace notice - please use it. Hand sanitiser and moisturiser are also available in my office.

  • The doors to my office will be wedged open in order to reduce surface contact. I’ll close & open the doors for you.

  • Chairs in my office are roughly 2m apart - this is due to the limited size of my room.

  • In session, the window will remain slightly open in order to allow air flow.

  • There will be a limited amount of creative materials available during session in order to limit any accidental cross-contamination.

  • Unfortunately I have to continue the policy of providing you with no refreshments. However please feel free to bring your own water/coffee/tea etc.

    After sessions, the chair and surfaces in my office are wiped down with antibacterial wipes and spray. The room is ventilated for a minimum of 10 minutes.

    Any other contact areas outside of the room, such as the banister and buzzer, are also wiped down. I’ve included a copy of my risk assessment here.

    If you, or someone in your bubble, displays Covid-19 symptoms or are diagnosed as positive, then please follow the current Government guidelines. Including notifying me of the situation. Reciprocally, if I or someone in my household displays symptoms then I will notify you and sessions will be online/telephone for the self-isolation period.

    In the case where I have to self-isolate for symptoms, your details may be shared with the ‘Track & Trace’ service for them to contact you. Whilst I may have to share your contact information, I won’t disclose the nature of our relationship.

In the current climate, I appreciate your understanding and adaptability to the uncertainty of what seems to be an ever-changing landscape.

Thank you for your understanding, and please do contact me if you feel I’ve not addressed your concerns.

