Group therapy & Personal Development Groups - Brighton
Next Group Weekend:
In-Person on11th & 12th November, 2023
Humankind are social creatures. We’re hardwired for connection.
Group work is a powerful experience for those wishing to understand themselves through relating to others. It can help with:
Personal Development
Low self-esteem/confidence
Loss of meaning or sense of purpose
Difficulty speaking, working or being in groups
Concerns around relating to others or
Expression of feelings
Through sharing your story with others, exploring how your narrative came to be and experiences that informed it, you can find insight and increase self-awareness. The group permits and encourages developing new ways of being, testing and trying out how we relate to others. Groups ‘work’ by forming solid, genuine attachments and understanding ourselves in relation to others - promoting reflection, self-awareness, connection and growth.
So what happens in group?
My role is to facilitate the group by ‘holding the space’. By that, I endeavour to encourage people to speak about their own feelings - without blaming or shaming others, to develop personal responsibility, and to cultivate a sense of autonomy and respect. The group isn’t like a work meeting, there is no set agenda from me. This is about experiencing the group evolve based on the dynamics of the participants. Sometimes several participants do bring subject matter they wish to look at which can be a starting point yet isn’t a pre-requisite.
Does this mean as the therapist that I’m a silent observer? Absolutely not. I’m there as a therapist with the intention of promoting personal development. I’ll ask questions, suggest experiments (this is where we might play with an idea or choice) in order to increase awareness. I might draw you back to your somatic responses, such as “What do you notice in your body as you speak to me?”. But most of all, I will meet you in an authentic relationship.
The group acts as a microcosm of the world at large - your world. How you interact with the world and the way you attribute meaning.
Groups can often explore a wide range of topics - from mental health concerns, addiction, relationships, abuse, politics, racism, life decisions… there really is no limit.
In brief:
The group is open to everyone and anyone over the age of 18 - with or without experience of therapy or groups, including trainee and qualified therapists
The group is limited to a maximum of 5 participants
£250 per weekend
CPD certificate is available (upon request) for therapists/trainee counsellors/mental health practitioners
Food for thought…
Ahead of group, I invite you to consider what you imagine it to be like.
Do you have any expectations you need met?
How will you know that you’ve had your needs met within the group?
What might hold you back or get in the way of you being met in the group?
These questions can often be good journal prompts for you to explore - and sometimes participants bring them to group for exploration. It allows you to see the parts of yourself that might be out of awareness. A good explainer for this is the concept of Johari’s Window - linked here.
What's the plan for the weekend?
You're welcome to join me in the space from 9am each day, with session beginning at 9.30am. Timings are subject to change based on group requirements, yet as an outline:
9am - Welcome
09.30 - 11.15 Session One
11.15 - 11.30 Break One
11.30 - 13.00 Session Two
13.00 - 13.45 Lunch
13.45 - 15.15 Session Three
15.15 - 15.30 Break Two
15.30 - 17.00 Session Four
The intention is 12.5 hours of group time over the two days, or roughly 6.25 per day. 'Session One' is the longest in the day in order to allow us to settle into the space, the group and ourselves. The timings will be the same each day - starting at 9.30am and finishing at 5pm.

About the
I'm Jo, and I'm a psychotherapist and EMDR therapist working in private practice in Brighton, UK. I work from a humanistic lens, which means I believe we're all capable of change and growth provided the right conditions, unique to each person, are co-created. I often describe myself as a 'stroke and a kick' as a therapist - I'll challenge you when appropriate and offer you just enough support to take the next steps in life. I enjoy deep discussions and laughter in equal measure.
I have experienced huge personal development from being a group participant and then through my further training in group process and facilitating groups. I think the power of group dynamics is a transformative and an immersive experience.
I very much look forward to welcoming you into the space.
Self care
Group work can be exhausting, exhilarating, reflective and more. Due to the fact you’ll be immersed in group process (as I’m currently only able to offer weekends), I’d invite you to consider how you might take care of yourself after group.
Sometimes difficult emotions may be stirred and I’d invite you to think about your needs or how others may support you. Perhaps you need to order in food rather than cooking, go to bed early, have some quiet reflective time or arrange a session with a therapist? Ensuring you have this system in place ahead of weekend groups allows you to prioritise your own support.
Group work is there to provide you with the balance of just enough support to take the next steps.
Next steps…
If you’d like to reserve your space, or ask any questions, then please complete the form below. Once your space is confirmed, you’ll receive an invoice 3 weeks prior to the weekend with payment due 7 days from the date of the invoice. Payment is made via bank transfer or the payment button on the invoice.
Please note - cancellations made from the date of the invoice will still incur the fee. This also applies if you’re unable to attend on either or both days. Where possible, I will endeavour to reschedule you onto the next group but this isn’t always possible.
Get in touch.
To reserve your space of for more information about the group weekends.